TOPIC: Efficient use of ICT in business management.

OBJECTIVE: Analyze the efficient use of ICT in business management.


Web analytics for companies.-
-Google Rank Brain
-Social networks.

Internet publicity.-
- See the site (CPM).
-Entra site (CPC).
-Make an activity (CPL).
-Make the campaign (CPA).

WEB pages Ecuador.-
-Domain name.
-The idea that sells.

Functionalities of the web page.-
-Services and usability.
-Information architecture.

RESULT: Social Networks is a term originated in communication. These refer to the set of groups, communities and organizations linked to each other through social relations.


TOPIC: Search engine positioning, History and Web Analytics
OBJECTIVE: Analyzing search engine positioning, history and web analytics


SEO Cycle.-
1. Investigate Keywords.
2. Analyze competition.
3. Analyze website.
4. Improve website.
5. Submit website.
6. Monitor rankings.
7. Report reports.
8. Generate links.

SEO Tools.-

SEO, search engine optimization or web optimization is the technical process through which changes are made to the structure and information of a Web page, with the aim of improving the visibility of a website in the results of the different search engines. It is also common to find the English denomination, search engine optimization, and especially its initial SEO.
The first seekers emerged in the early 90. Until Google appeared in 1996 many were created, including Yahoo. The Web boom started. People realized that you could really make money with them. So they came to the conclusion that they needed to attract traffic. What was the best method of attracting traffic? Search Engines

RESULT: Search engine optimization or search engine optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website in the organic results of the different search engines. It is also common to name it by its English title, SEO



OBJECTIVE: Create a web page for the tourist promotion of the Pailones de Muyuyacu


Create a Google site.-
1. On a computer, open the new version of Google Sites.
2. Bottom right, click Create.
3. Add content to your website.
4. To post the changes, click Publish up on the right.

Make a copy of a website.-
1. On a computer, open the website you want to copy in the new version of Google Sites.
2. At the top right, click More More than Duplicate website.
3. Under "File name", type a name for the copied website.
4. Optional: To change the website's location, click Change.
5. Click on OK.
Note: If the website is large, it will take a few minutes to copy.

Name a website.-
1. On a computer, open a website in the new version of Google Sites.
2. Top left, click on Site without title.
3. Enter the name of the file on your website.
4. Press the Enter or return key.

Change the name of a website.-
1. On a computer, open the new version of Google Sites.
2. Find the site to which you want to change the name.
3. Click on More then Rename.
4. Write the new name and click OK.

Add a title.-
1. On a computer, open a website in the new version of Google Sites.
2. Top left, click
3. Enter the name of the website.
4. Press the Enter or Return key.


- Easy to create templates.
- Does not require programming such as HTML or CSS.
- Design templates available.
- Easy file handling.
- Easy handling of attachments.
- Personalization of the site interface.
- Easy to create multimedia content (videos, documents, spreadsheets and presentations from Google Docs, Picasa photos and IGoogle tools).
- Designation of readers and collaborators.
- Search with Google technology in Google sites content.

RESULT: Create a google sites for the tourist attraction that we have as a project


TOPIC: Ebusiness opportunities.

OBJECTIVE: To efficiently use TICS in business management.



Penguin is the official name for the update of the Google algorithm designed to fight the webspam. This update was launched in April 2012.
It focuses on the off-site factors of a website, rewarding those sites that have a profile of links with links of high quality and unmanaged domains, 
and trying to punish those pages that have violated the Google guidelines, which have profiles of Unnatural links, too many links in low quality sites, etc.
It was Google who, from the beginning, decided that the links generated to a website were a sign that their content was relevant. That's why everyone 
started generating links to gogo. However, Google Penguin is a "where I said, I say Diego".
The improvements that implement the algorithm include a better detection of links of little value, bought, in networks of articles, directories and basically 
any dynamic that implies trying to modify the profile of links of your web. The best way to ensure that Penguin does not penalize you is to respect 
Google's guidelines and passively generate links through your content.


Search engine optimization or search engine optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website in the organic results of the different search engines. It is also common to name it by its English title, SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

SEO is one of the "disciplines" that has changed the most in recent years. We just have to look at the large number of updates that have been Penguin and Panda, and how they have turned 180 degrees to what was understood by SEO until recently. Now with SEO pursues what Matt Cutts himself qualifies as "Search Experience Optimization" or what is the same, "all for the user."

Although there are thousands of factors in which a search engine is based to position one page or another one could say that there are two basic factors: authority and relevance
The authority is basically the popularity of a website. The more popular the information, the more valuable it is. This factor is what a search engine takes more into account since it is based on the user's own experience. The more a content is shared, the more users have found it useful.

Relevance is the relationship a page has with a given search. This is not simply that a page contains a lot of times the term sought (in the beginning it was like that) but a search engine is based on hundreds of on-site factors to determine this.


SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is the use of marketing tools and payment strategies in search engines (such as Google, yahoo ...) or natural positioning, which help us optimize visibility and increase traffic on our page or in other words refers to the promotion of a website in search engines, through the use of payment methods or other means such as the placement of advertisements on websites or blogs visited.

It is one of the most demanded techniques and used in online marketing thanks to its ease when measuring results.
To obtain better results and a positioning that comes as close as possible to the desired, we should strategically combine SEM through the use of payment methods together with natural or organic positioning strategies through the optimization of the contents of our Website (SEO on page).

RESULT: Is the official name for the update of the Google algorithm designed to fight the webspam


TOPIC: Online and offline strategies for tourism promotion.

OBJECTIVE: To use online and offline strategies for the promotion of tourist attractions. 


Result: Make posters online and offline for the project


TOPIC: Ebusiness Opportunities.

OBJECTIVE: Analyze Market-Place tools and services.


1. Clear Winners

Web space to get new suppliers or customers for their products and develop commercial networks.

- Deprocesses.

4. Computing in the CLOUD
-Public cloud.
- Private cloud

5. Electronic Administration

-People Management.
-Quality and simplification.
-Change management.
-Management of knowledge.
-Citizen participation.
-Thematic tour.

Result: A market, or market, is a place where people meet regularly for the purchase and sale of supplies, livestock and other goods


TOPIC: E-commerce in China

OBJECTIVE: Learn about the projects that have been established in China.


Digital commerce in China represented only 1% globally in 2008, but a decade later the Asian giant already represents 42%. A very striking fact when compared to 24% of the United States, which in 2005 held 35% of international e-commerce. The data presented by the McKinsey Global Institute are clear: China handles more transactions per year than France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States together.

Result: Make an infographic about an issue related to Ecuador and China


TOPIC: Lesson.

OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the contents learned in class.


RESULT: Make the evaluation of what has been learned in class


TOPIC: E-Business strategies
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the different e-business strategies to adapt to the customer service.


These are the 10 Marketing Commandments:

1) Loves your consumers and respects your competitors.
2) Be sensitive to change, prepare for transformation.
3) Protect your brand, be clear about who you are.
4) Consumers are diverse, head first to those who can benefit more from you.
5) Always offers a good product at a fair price.
6) Always be accessible and offers quality news.
7) Get your customers, keep them and grow them.
8) No matter what your business is, it will always be a service business.
9) Differentiate always in terms of quality, cost and delivery time.
10) Archives relevant information and uses your wisdom to make a decision.

RESULT: Application of the 10 commandments of a successful e-business strategy.


TOPIC: E-Business today.

OBJECTIVE: Analyze the current situation of electronic businesses and their trends to generate valuable ideas for tourism entrepreneurship.



- Analysis process: threats, opportunities and what resources count.
- Sustainable competitive advantage that generates extraordinary returns.

OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES: Responsibilities of the plant.
FUNCTIONS: Responsibilities of chiefs of main activities.
BUSINESS: Responsibilities of managers at the business level.
COORPORATIVES: Responsibilities of administrators at a corporate level.

Essential principles of E business.-

1. Know the customer.
2. Multi-channel interaction with the client.
3. Customize the customer experience.
4. Optimize the value of each client.
5. Focus on 100% customer satisfaction.
6. Global e-business architecture, focused on the client.
7. Extend the ecosystem.
8. Organizational culture on the excellence of e-business.

RESULT: The paper analysis factors that usually influence the adoption of online commerce, focusing in particular on how social influence acts in this process


TOPIC: E-business today.

OBJECTIVE: Analyze the current situation of electronic businesses and their trends to generate valuable ideas for tourism entrepreneurship.


The 22 immutable laws of marketing.-

- Law of Leadership.
- Law of the Category.
- Law of the mind.
- Law of Perception.
- Law of Concentration.
- Law of Exclusivity.
- Law of the Ladder.
- Law of duality.
- Law of the Opposite.
- Law of the Division.
- Law of the Perspective.
- Law of Line Extension.
- Law of Sacrifice.
- Law of Attributes.
- Law of Sincerity.
- Law of Singularity.
- Law of the Unpredictable.
- Law of Success.
- Failure Law.
- Law of the Sensationalist Note.
- Law of Acceleration.
- Law of Resources.

1. Markets are conversations.
2. Markets consist of humans, not of demographic sectors.
3. Conversations between humans sound human. They lead in a human voice.
4. Either transmitting information, opinions, perspectives, arguments against or funny notes, the human voice is open, natural, sincere.
5. People are recognized as such by the sound of this voice.
6. The Internet makes it possible to have conversations between human beings that were simply impossible in the mass media era.
7. Hyper-links undermine hierarchies.
8. In interconnected markets as among intraconnected employees, people use new and powerful forms of communication.
9. Network conversations make possible the emergence of new and powerful forms of social organization and knowledge sharing.
10. As a result, markets become more intelligent, more informed, more organized. Participation in an interconnected market causes people to change in a fundamental way.


Its purpose is to codify the universal rules that guarantee the advertising campaigns of the world, being each law exposed by a great publicity guru of world-wide fame.


TOPIC: Digital electronic commerce, digital products.

OBJECTIVE: Analyze digital electronic commerce and digital products.


Digital products vs traditional products.-

- The production cost of 1 is high and 2 variable.
- The cost of copies of 1 is almost zero and 2 is greater than zero.
- The delivery cost of 1 is low and 2 is high.
- The inventory cost of 1 is low and 2 is high.
- Marketing costs of 1 and 2 are variable.

Digital markets vs traditional markets.-

- The 1 presents reduced information and the 2 high cost in obtaining it.
- The search costs of 1 are low and 2 are high.
- The transaction cost of 1 is low and 2 is high.
- The bonus of 1 is delayed and of 2 low.
- The price adjustment of 1 is dynamic and 2 has a high cost.
- Segmentation of 1 is low cost and 2 has high costs.
- The network effects of 1 are strong and 2 are weak.
- Disintermediation more possible in 1 and 2 less possible.

They are individuals who use the biggest video network in the YouTube digital market to post any type of content that can be entertaining, generating a large number of reproductions.

RESULT:  A digital product is a non-physical good made by information technology and can only be bought, acquired or downloaded through the Internet.


TOPIC: Analysis of success stories.

OBJECTIVE: Analyze the different applications that were successful in electronic business.


- Information systems help to find solutions to problems.
- The online demographics of buyers are expanding.
- Electronic commerce continues to be the fastest growing form of commerce.
- Web 2.0.

Characteristics of electronic commerce technologies.-

- Global Reach
- Universal Standards.
- Wealth
- Interactivity
- Density of the information.
- Customization / adaptation.
- Social technology.

The term ecommerce, or e-commerce, may be familiar to many of us. However, we probably don't know everything behind this activity. In general terms, electronic commerce is the purchase and sale of products or services through Internet and computer networks. In addition, it involves tasks such as marketing, content and information on the network. All of this implies a revolution in the way in which companies communicate and develop their business activity.

RESULT:  The e-business is to introduce communication technologies to perform the activities of a business. It is a set of new technologies and new business strategies to develop these online businesses.


TOPIC: Entrepreneurship.

OBJECTIVE: Analyze the Canvas Model.



- Video about travelers and businesses. Contact with other cultures allows us to break the prejudice that the people of the world are bad.
- The e-business is not the same as the traditional business.

The Canvas Method searches with a comprehensive model to analyze the company as a whole and serve as a basis for developing different business models, is to become a tool for strategic innovation.

- Key partnerships.

- Business objectives.
- Value proposal.
- Relationship with the client.
- Customers.
- Key resources.
- Distribution and marketing channels.
- Cost structure.
- Sources of Income.

RESULT: The canvas model is an application where we can perform tourist and economic services of any company


TOPIC: Promotional Videos

OBJECTIVE: Make a promotional video about a parish in the Province of El Oro











RESULT:  Today we watched the promotional videos and saw the creativity of each one of us.



TOPIC:  Evaluation of partial. 

OBJECTIVE: Evaluate knowledge acquired in the course. 


                                                                            TEST #1

RESULT: Correctly apply the examination of everything we have learned during the partial

The Dabbawalas of Mumbai


TOPIC: E-Business Strategies.
OBJECTIVE: Analyze techniques and strategies to improve a business design.


The New Principles include online business applications such as creating an employee directory or posting job benefit information on the company's internal website so that employees can easily access such data.

Rational Experimentation refers to strategies such as those sought by pharmaceutical companies to provide information and literature on their products to physicians and insurance companies. 

High impact marketing
It's easy to lose money for inefficient marketing, so it's important that you learn to use low-budget, high-impact marketing.

Presentation of your SME
Make a good presentation of your SME in your environment is essential to improve the business. For this it is advisable to do a SWOT analysis and work on every positive and negative aspect, in order to improve the position against the competition.

Watch the trends
Events and changes in the global landscape have an effect on your business. Stay updated on current trends and issues.

Improve your sales skills
An area of high profitability for the improvement of the business is the sales function. Never forget to focus on this.

Best practices

All companies have best practices or ways of doing things, which have been proven and effective.

RESULT: Consider the strategies used to improve the design of your business


TOPIC: Strategies to consider for e-business development.

OBJECTIVE: Analyze the evolution of competitive advantages.


Competitive advantage.-

Any characteristic of the company that differentiates it from the others placing it in a relative superior position to compete.
- Cost advantage.
- Advantage for product differentiation.
- Transaction advantage.

These have their own characteristics:
  • They provide personalized attention
  • Specific and particular support to each client
  • They collect information from prospects and clients
  • Manage the delivery of products or services
  • Generate the preferences of prospects and customers
  • Generate quotes and billings
  • Execute advertising campaigns
  • Your documentation is shared and centralized in a database.

RESULT: Competitive advantages is a main tool that can be used to give an improvement of a service in technology


TOPIC: Organizations that learn.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze strategies and disciplines for continuous improvement.


There are five disciplines so that organizations can learn completely and simply and are:
  • The personal domain
  • Systematic learning
  • The mental models
  • The shared vision
Information Subsystems
  1. Transaction Processing Systems (TPS).
  2. Systems of work of knowledge (KWS).
  3. Support Systems for Decision Making (DSS).
  4. Management Information System (MIS).
  5. Executive Support System (ESS).
  • Five Disciplines
- Personal Domain.
- Team learning.
- Mental models.
- Shared vision.
- Systematic thinking.

  • Information systems
- Information entry.
-Exit of information.
- Processing: sort, order, calculate, feedback.
- Entities: Suppliers, customers, regulatory agents, shareholders and competitors.

Business processes
- Administration of the supply chain.
- Businesses Administration.
- Customer administration.
- Knowledge management.

RESULT: This topic helps us a lot to know what is a continuous improvement and the best steps that can be followed


TOPIC: Web Apps.
OBJECTIVE: Practice with web applications.


Trello gives you a perspective of all your projects, at work and at home.

Whether it's managing a team, writing an epic script or making the shopping list, Trello is the partner you need to carry out the tasks and get organized.

With Trello you can:

• Create boards to organize any project you are working on.

• Use them alone or invite colleagues, friends and family to collaborate.

• Customize workflows for different projects.

• Add to-do lists on cards.

• Assign tasks to yourself and your collaborators.
• Make comments about the different elements with your friends.
• Attach files from Google Drive and Dropbox.
• Upload photos and videos.
• Respond to comments from Android Wear.

Resultado de imagen para TRELLO, LOGO

RESULT: Use and manage the Trello app, see its characteristics, as it applies to tourism and its technological uses that help us


TOPIC: Business processes and information systems.


OBJECTIVE: To make a summary about the business processes and information systems.


Global electronic commerce and marketing

RESULT: We make a summary of a reading that we analyze, we observe the electronic commerce and how it is commercialized in the world.


TOPIC: Consumer psychology.


OBJECTIVE: Analyze the behavior of the consumer before a sale or demonstration of a product.




  • Types of Motivation       
  • Intrinsic: arises within the subject. - Extrinsic: it is stimulated from the outside. - Reasons learned: acquired by influence. - Motives not learned: hunger, thirst, rest. - Combined reasons: need for contact welfare.

  • Personal Influences
  • - Motivations. - Beliefs. - Personality

  • Social Influences

  1. - Culture.
  2. - Sociodemographic profile.
  3. - Social class.
  4. - Reference groups.
RESULT: See how to act the consumer before a possible sale, see their behavior and how to manage business


TOPIC: Basic principles and consumer psychology.

OBJECTIVE: Analyze to the environment and technological.



Resultado de imagen para consumer psychology

Consumer Psychology has an interest in learning consumer behavior, which is based on the reasons why people are encouraged to acquire goods or services as a way to satisfy needs and needs, using knowledge of consumer strategies. communication and social influence. It is an interdisciplinary field where economics and psychology converge around the variables that allow explaining and predicting more precisely the behavior of individuals and social groups.

The Advanced Diploma presented presents an eminently theoretical-practical approach and aims to provide tools that allow, from the perspective of the consumer and the consumer, the approach of the behavior of individuals and the incidence of the variables that influence the decision-making process. a good or a service. In this regard, it must be clear that the company manager must be prepared for the needs of the competition. This level of understanding requires knowledge of the consumer in its different facets: as an individual, as well as in terms of its environment, that is, everything related to culture, society, family and social groups.

  • Empathy and importance: The administrators and staff of tourist establishments must provide security and confidence to users, thinking about their benefits and comfort.
-Brainstorm should be done.
-It must be built on the ideas of others.

  • Physiology: people who only seek to satisfy their basic needs such as eating or sleeping.
  • Security: people who prioritize their security before what represents the investment of the service.
  • Affiliation: loyalty of users by tourist establishments.
  • Recognition: people who associate or group in clubs to obtain recognition or status.
  • Self-realization: people who seek their emotional or intellectual satisfaction regardless of the money they represent.

RESULT: To know about consumer psychology, their interests and the way of seeing things from another perspective


TOPIC: Apps Web. 

OBJECTIVE: Analyze the operation of web app in the context of tourism.


It was created in September 2013, by:

Huey Meng
More than 25 years of experience in leading software projects and mobile applications on a global scale.
He has delivered projects for companies such as Kii, Android, HTC, eKinetic, Samsung, among others

Chelsea Sze
Key to the development and success of FoodZaps. He has managed IT projects in F & B, e-commerce and government agencies.

Rina Loh Jia Hui
He has a degree in Business Administration, his professional career includes experience with Rocket Internet, Foodpanda, Happy Marketer, among others.

Founder Huey Meng was waiting for his meal for what seemed like an eternity when the staff brought him the wrong dish a second time. Looking around, he noticed the obsolete system, the lack of staff, wondering if he was in a museum or in a fully functional restaurant.

After talking with the owner, Huey Meng got the context he needed: upgrading to a more sophisticated automated ordering system required resources beyond the owner's reach and hiring more staff was too expensive.

RESULT: Know about the app, explain, explain and understand how it works and what your work is based on


TOPIC: Basic principles of e-business. 

OBJECTIVE: Analyze the factors that influence e-business. Analyze the web consumer psychology.


-Basic principles

  • Tangibility and Distance
  • Trust and Security
  • Boom and Motives
  • Psychological Factor

Tangibility and Distance.

Currently most of the businesses are moving to the web, due to the low costs and the advantages it generates for the business and for consumers: speed, cheaper and personalized service.

Trust and Security.

For the typical consumer it is doubtful or distrustful to conduct business on the internet. So some experience the process and others abstain.

RESULT: To be able to analyze in a more technical way the factors that influence in the E-business


TOPIC: Introduction to blogger

OBJECTIVE: Use to application in laboratory


  • Environment
  • Creat post
  • Creat labels 

Use blogger for the class

TOPIC: E-Business matrix and value chain of the hotel and tourism.

OBJECTIVE: Review the examples proposed in class about the e-business matrix.


The Potter value chain

cadena de valor

The value chain displays the total value, and consists of value and margin activities. Here are some key definitions for the understanding of the concept:

Margin: It is the difference between the total value and the collective cost of performing value activities.
Value Activities: These are the different activities carried out by a company. They are divided into two broad types:Primary Activities: The primary activities in the value chain are the activities involved in the physical creation of the product, its sale and transfer to the buyer as well as after-sale assistance. They are divided in turn into the five generic categories that are observed in the image.
Internal logistics: The first primary activity of the value chain is internal logistics. The companies need to manage and manage in some way the activities of receiving and storing the raw materials necessary to elaborate their product, as well as the way of distributing the materials. The more efficient the internal logistics, the greater the value generated in the first activity.
Operations: The next stage of the value chain is operations. The operations take the raw materials from the input logistics and create the product. Naturally, the more efficient the operations of a company, the more money the company can save, providing added value in the final result.
External Logistics: After the product is finished, the next activity in the value chain is the logistics of output. This is where the product leaves the center of production and is delivered to wholesalers, distributors, or even to final consumers depending on the company.
Marketing and Sales: Marketing and sales is the fourth primary activity of the value chain. Here you have to be careful with advertising expenses, which are a fundamental part of sales.
Services: The final activity of the value chain is the service. The services cover many areas, ranging from the administration of any facility to customer service after the sale of the product. Having a strong service component in the supply chain provides customers with the necessary support and trust, which increases the value of the product.
Support Activities: In the value chain of Michael Porter support activities are those that support the primary activities and support each other, providing purchased inputs, technology, human resources and various functions throughout the company. The dotted lines reflect the fact that supply-purchases-technology and human resources management can be associated with specific primary activities, as well as support for the entire chain. The infrastructure is not associated with any of the primary activities but supports the entire chain.
RESULT: Be very clear on how the Potter chain works and know each of its elements and descriptions.

TOPIC: Origin and evolution of E-business (E-Business Strategy).

OBJECTIVE: Know about the origin and evolution of E-Business. 

                         Analyze the steps of an e-business strategy.

Steps to formulate an e-business strategy
  1. Think
  2. Understand
  3. Fefine
  4. Design
  5. Build
  6. To project
  7. Accompany

RESULT: Knowing how to carry out a strategy in E-Business, understands in practice each step
 of the strategies

* Investigate the hotel's value chain.
* Make examples of the Porter matrix.
* Make a sale of an item on the OLX page.
* Write a name of 50 words because OLX can help tourism and take charge of payment plans.


TOPIC: Origin and evolution of E-business.

OBJECTIVE: Know about the origin and evolution of E-Business.


Origin and evolution of E-Business.

At the beginning of the 1920s, catalog sales, promoted by wholesale companies, appeared in the United States. This system of sale, revolutionary for the time, consists of a catalog with illustrative photos of the products to be sold. This allows having better access to people, since there is no need to have to attract customers to the sales premises.

This enabled the stores to be able to have clients in rural areas, which by the time that this modality was developed, there was a large mass of people affected in the countryside. In addition, another important point to keep in mind is that potential buyers can choose products in the tranquility of their homes, without assistance or pressure, as the case may be, from a seller.

The sale by catalog took greater impulse with the appearance of the credit cards; in addition to determining a type of relationship of greater anonymity between the client and the seller. At the beginning of the 1970s, the first commercial relationships appeared that used a computer to transmit data, such as purchase orders and invoices. This type of exchange of information, although not standardized, brought with it improvements in manufacturing processes in the private sector, between companies in the same sector.

In the mid-1980s, with the help of television, a new form of catalog sales emerged, also called direct sales. In this way, the products are shown with greater realism, and with the dynamics that can be exhibited highlighting their characteristics. The direct sale is made through a telephone and usually with credit card payments. In 1995 the member countries of the G7 / G8 created the initiative A Global Market for SMEs, with the purpose of accelerating the use of electronic commerce among companies around the world during which the pioneering portal in Spanish language, Global Electronic Commerce, was created.

At the end of the 1990s, commerce through the Internet grew considerably. In 2008, the first printed publication dedicated exclusively to e-commerce and online business emerged in Spain, the magazine Ecommretail ( appears in its first issue with a wide-ranging interview with the Privalia sales club, in its second issue it occupies

RESULT: Develop a more extensive knowledge about the origin and evolution of E-Business


TOPIC:  Presentation of the firm and socialize the frame.

OBJECTIVE: Present the study plan of the firm. Socialize the activity of the signature and the framing.


- Socialize the frame.
- Presentation of the firm's curriculum.
- Knowledge instruction. Learning new words from the electronic language:

Gamification: is a learning technique that moves the mechanics of games to the educational-professional field in order to achieve better results, either to better absorb some knowledge, improve some ability, or reward specific actions, among many other objectives.

Citizen Science: to scientific research carried out by a sum of collaborators, in whole or in part by scientists and professionals with ordinary people. Formally, citizen science has been defined as "the collection and systematic analysis of data, the development of technology, the testing of natural phenomena, and the dissemination of these activities by researchers on a primarily vocational basis.

Web 3.0: or semantic web, is an expression that is used to describe the evolution of the use and interaction of people on the Internet through different forms, including the transformation of the network into a database, a social movement with the aim of creating content accessible by multiple applications

Big Data: is a term that describes the large volume of data, both structured and unstructured, that flood businesses every day. But it is not the amount of data that is important. What matters with Big Data is what organizations do with data. Big Data can be analyzed to obtain ideas that lead to better decisions and strategic business movements.

Groupware:  (in Spanish set of collaborative computer programs) refers to the use of software methods and tools that allow users to perform collective work through networks.

Serious Game: are games designed for a main purpose other than pure fun. Normally, the adjective "serious" is intended to refer to products used by industries such as defense, education, scientific exploration, health, emergency, civic planning, engineering, religion and politics.

RESULT: It helps us understand the syllable and go class to class in the right way.

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